Sunday, December 7, 2014

Merida For A Week

Hey everyone! You probably know that Jaclynn and I are at a craft fair for a week or so! Jaclynn didn't have a great fit for the Merida role for her display so I offered Sloan. She looks so cute in her outfit I had to take some pictures! Here they are!:)
Jaclynn's crocheted outfit are so amazing!
Sloan looks so cute as Merida!
I love seeing her in her costume and out in nature! It's so cool!
This lighting is really weird but cool!:)
...Ready for adventure...
This is a full look at the Merida costume!:D

And this picture is fun I think, it's a different angle.:)
I hope you enjoyed this post! I would highly recommend her outfits!:D
Who is your favorite disney princess?


  1. Love the pictures, Cookie! Sloan was such a great Merida! Thank you so much for lending her to me! :)

    1. Thanks! She was!!:) no problem! She said it was an adventure!;)

  2. Cute! You and Jaclynn are so lucky to have a blogging doll best friend nearby! I would love a friend nearby who loved dolls as much as me. I had a dream the other night that I met you two and Carli. Kind of weird, but cool! :)


    1. Thank you! Yeah, we totally are! I sometimes forget that I'm so blessed to have her!:)

    2. But, the cool thing about the Internet, is that otherwise, I never would have met you guys. It's cool to be online friends with other Christian girls who share the same interests as me. I have a blog now and would love some more visitors. It's But, I understand if you're busy. :)


    3. Yeah, it's great! Yeah! I'll check it out soon!:)
