Monday, December 29, 2014

Drained Of Inspiration- Please Leave A Message After The Beep

Hey everyone! Why you haven't seen anything up the past day or two is because I have been drained of inspiration. I took pictures on our camera but I can't find the cord to upload the pictures for the life of me. And so I have no inspiration for photostories at the moment. So I've been playing wii and being uninspired.;) And then I thought, I should make a photostory of my dolls playing wii- thus a photostory was born.:)

Sophie and Julie walked out into the loft, (that's like an upstairs living room basically) to play on the wii.

Julie dragged the wii games out of the cupboard.
"What game do you want to play?" She questioned.

After checking out all of her options, Sophie chose The Littlest Pet Shop!

Julie quickly pushed it into the wii. She was ready to game.

Since the controllers were so ginormous, they shared. One got the nunchuck and the other got the remote.

"Grab that falling ice cream! It's the color we need!" Julie demanded as Sophie breathlessly moved an ice cream cone to the side to catch a falling green scoop.

"I GOT IT!" Sophie exclaimed.
They played like that for the whole day, trying out new games and such. I think Julie has gotten Sophie addicted.;)
So that's it. It was a short story for sure, and it originally only had 5 pictures! XD
Do you play wii? If so, what's your favorite game?


  1. Cute! I always love your photo stories!

  2. Cute! Lol to ginormous controller! I play Wii at friends' houses but we don't have one. I like Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart.


    1. Thanks! LOL! I love Super Mario Bros!:D

  3. I found you! I started on the other blog and tracked you down. Your stories are so cute! Thank you for sharing them!

    1. LOL! Thanks so much!:D I'm so glad you like them!!:)
