Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Good Friend Blog Award

Hey everyone! I got nominated by Jana Steinborn! Thank you so much!:) I got nominated for The Good Friend Blog Award!:)
1.  Chose 3+ bloggers you love and agree that they're amazing bloggers!
2.  Ask them 2+ questions
3.  Post this on your blog
Okay, now into the questions!:)
Who was the first person to comment on your blog?
My Best Friend, Jaclynn!:)
Would you rather paint your whole room black OR paint it completely white?
Are you a morning person or a night owl??
I've always wanted to be a morning person, but I am SO moody in the morning! LOL! So, night owl.:)
If you could remove one thing from the world, what would it be?
I don't know, hm...Swear words...immodest clothing...oh! I know! Sin!;)
What was the best, most fabulous day of your life? Describe it.
I think the day I went to Disneyland with Jaclynn! It was soooo much fun and one of my favorite days ever!:)
Thanks, again, Jana!
I nominate---
Here are your questions-
1. If you had to watch only ONE movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2. What's the song that sums up your life?
3. What's your favorite flavor of pizza?
4. What's your favorite TV show?
5. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? Why?


  1. Hi, Emma! I nominated you for an award on my blog!

  2. Thanks so much for nominating me! :) I'll get the award post up A.S.A.P!

  3. Teehee, speaking of award posts:
    I nominated you for the Summer Bucket List Tag :)


  4. Well, congrats but you've receive yet another award! LOL! Click here to find it and scroll down 'till you see it. http://delightfulworldofdolls.com/awards/

  5. Aww, thanks, Emma! Your blog is awesome, too!

