Friday, July 1, 2016

Craft! How to Make Your Dolls Their Own iPhones

Hi everyone!
I am super excited! This is my first craft post!
I am not a super crafty person and have a hard time coming up with original craft ideas. This craft was originally going to be posted by my friend, Ginger Spice, but since she never made a post for it, I decided I would!:)
This is so much fun to do and really useful for photostories and playing!:D
Let's get started!
What You Will Need:
1 1/4 in by 1 3/4 in rectangles of cardboard (one rectangle will make you one phone)
Markers, colored pencils, or crayons
Double sided tape or regular tape doubled over, so it's make-shift double sided tape ;D
Pencil (not pictured) 
Now get your paper, pencil, and a cardboard rectangle. Trace the shape of the rectangle onto the paper. Next, cut the traced rectangles out. 
Now you have the iPhone screen and the iPhone case.;) 
Now you start drawing the screen and front of the iPhone on either of the rectangles. 
Next, you get to do the most fun part- the back! This is up to your imagination what you want to put on it, but since Faye made her latest post and included that she wanted a phone and hasn't stopped yammering at me about it, I made this phone for her. 
Then I went back and colored in the iPhone screen. This is what they look like for me!:D 
Next, I add the double sided tape onto the cardboard rectangles. I did my first side with tape like this (one long piece going upwards), but then I realized that it was a bit loose, so the other side I did with a lot of smaller pieces of tape going sideways. That is the way I would recommend stationing your tape.;) 
Then TA-DA! 
Faye loves her phone, she's so happy and so am I! No more constant begging!;D 
I hope you liked this craft! If you plan to make an iPhone for your dolls using this tutorial, I would love to know!:D


  1. Awesome tutorial! Dolls sure love their phones, huh? XD

    1. Thank you! Yeah, they definitely do!;)

  2. Thanks for doing a tutorial! I'll probably try this. :)
    Faye looks really excited to finally have a phone... XD

    1. That's great!:) Yeah, she hasn't stopped using it!;)
