Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Isabelle Talks Books!

Hi everyone!:D
Isabelle wanted to make a post about some of her favorite books!:) So, I'll hand it over to her now...
It's Isabelle now!
I am always on the hunt for good books, and I thought it would be nice to make a post about some random books that I really like! None of these are in order of which I like better and I am excluding a lot of other favorites of mine, I just grabbed a few books I saw first that I loved! 
The first one, and definitely one of my top favorites, is Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger, I am sure most of you already know about this book series, but it's one of the best ones I've ever read! It's a must read for anyone that enjoys fantasy books!
I-I just love this book series so much...and-and....how could he??
*sobs as I think about Neverseen*
I am so excited for the next book, Lodestar!!:D 
The next book is A Question of Magic by E.D. Baker. This book was really different, focusing on a different kind of mythical being, the Baba Yaga! She's a type of witch that answers one question, any question, for each person, but grows older with every question. I loved it! 
Almost every book I've read by E.D. Baker, such as The Wide-Awake Princess, is great!:D 
This book series, The Missing, is more of a sci-fi novel with time traveling and history involved. I love the characters and the plot twists and now I really want to reread the series! 
*clears throat*
Someone needs to buy the next book in the series... 
(Emma: I have a feeling she means me...)
The Unwanteds series is amazing! I love magic and school environments, so this book was so much fun! It's a big series and I really want the next book! 
The second book had a subject that I was a little sensitive about, but other than that I love the series and recommend it! 
I hope you enjoyed learning about new books I love, have you read any of them? Do you want to read any of them? 
That's all for now! Have fun reading!
It's Emma again!:) Who was surprised to see Keeper in the stack?
*no one raises their hand*
Yeah, everyone needs to read that book series.XD LOL! I hope you have a great day, bye!:)
What's your favorite book? I'd love to know!
Bonus Picture- 


  1. I haven't read any of those, but maybe I should! What is the keeper of the lost series about? I've heard lots of bloggers say they love the series and I thought maybe I'd like it too...

    1. Yeah, definitely!:D It is a book about a girl who is a Telepath AKA can read minds, and then she finds out she's an elf and she goes to the Elven world and it's all about everything that happens there and it's amazing and there aren't any swear words or anything!:D It's the best!!

    2. Oh, wow, that sounds really cool. *begs mom to take me to the library*

    3. Yeah, you have to read it!:)

  2. One of my favorite books is ... Pilgrim's Progress! :)

    1. Oh, I don't think I've read Pilgrim's Progress, but I know how it goes!:D

  3. Oh! I LOVE a Question of Magic! And I've read like, every book she's written. Have you read her book Wings? Its really good! :D

    1. Oh, yay! Another E.D. Baker fan!;) I haven't read Wings, but I want to!:D


    *ahem* As you can tell, I LOVE Keeper! Oh, Neverseen...*sobs*

    The other books sound awesome - I'd love to try them out. :)
    ~The Girl Upstairs

    1. YES, I KNOW, AGH! *sobs with you*
      You should definitely read the other ones, they are all great!:)

  5. I wonder... Is there a book I haven't heard of?

  6. I saw that Keeper book and was not at all surprised. XD
    Ooh, I love The Unwanteds! It's written very well. :)

    -Clara <3

    1. LOL! Of course you wouldn't be surprised!;D Yeah, it is!:)

  7. Wonderful! I like a lot of books, but I like Ella Enchanted and Percy Jackson...And The Hobbit. I may look for the books You mentioned

    1. Thanks! Oh, I love Ella Enchanted!:)
