Friday, February 10, 2017

The Worst Things to Happen to Doll Photographers

Hi everyone! :)
Welcome back to normal posts!
Now, if you have a blog or if you just like to take pictures of your dolls to post on Instagram or something, then you know that it can be really difficult to get the right photo, background, and so many other things. This is a list of a ton of the worst things to happen to us. ;) And if you're not a doll photographer, I've included pictures for each of the points. ;D
1. When your doll falls.
There are few less terrifying things to happen to a doll blogger than to pose your doll, take a few steps back, squat down, aim their camera, then see their doll lose her balance and topple face down into the dirt. 
Or fall backwards off a ledge and end up in the bushes like Diane did in this photo.
Although you would think it doesn't happen that often, it does! I would say almost every photoshoot your doll will topple and you're left worrying they're gonna have a horrible scar on their face.
2. Bugs. Just bugs.
When I got this picture, I thought it was cool then I noticed THE BUG RIGHT NEXT TO DUCHESS'S HAIR! Bugs get in the way too often, especially in the summer.
It's so annoying when you realize they're in a nice photo and there is nothing you can do. :/ 
3. Unexpected weather.
What could be worse than to have planned to take photos the next day and wake up to a rain or snow forecast?! Talk about a let down.
Oh. And it's gonna be raining all week. Perfect.  
4. Looking back on old photos.
Seriously guys, this is so cringey. It's this way for every hobby, but it's awful to look back on your first few months of your blog and see something like this-
The horroorrrrrr....

5. When hair, accessories, and clothing won't cooperate.
Man, when you take a photo that you really like, then notice that the clasp of the necklace is showing, or there is a lump of dirt on Molly's shoe, or when the wind blows your doll's hair in a not so glamorous way, it's so frustrating!
6. Realizing you never changed your doll's pose once in the whole photoshoot.
This happens to me so many times. I just have this mental block to changing my doll's pose. If I can get a plethora of angles, I forget that it's more interesting if my doll isn't just STANDING there the whole time.
7. Noon.
I don't know exactly the time of day, but I know when I look out a window and see the lighting outside that it would be the worst time ever to take pictures. And it's annoying cuz sometimes that was the time you were planning to go out and take pictures, but you just know that you can't or else you'll have awful shadows and lighting.
8. When your doll won't look into the camera.
Sometimes, your doll just wants to look dramatically off in the distance. That's fine, but seriously, look at the camera every now and then! ;D
I hope you liked the post everyone! I've been lacking ideas in the category of posts like these, and since these are my favorite posts to create, I've been sort of in a slump. I plan to brainstorm soon though, so I can create a list of fun posts to do! :D
Thanks for reading!
What is the most annoying thing to you as a doll photographer/blogger? :)


  1. Oh yes, this is so true!
    Looking back on old pictures, UGH!!!!

    1. LOL! Yeah, it's the worst! So much cringing...XD

  2. Yes, dolls falling! And some poses are so hard to make her stay up in! DX
    I think I have some trouble with evenings when I'm trying to get pictures by a window but the sun is going down...

  3. Ugh! Taking pictures outside in the winter and falling over is the worst! A face full of snow. Yuck!;)
    ~ Taryn

    1. I'm lucky that we don't get snow then! That's awful! LOL!

  4. AGH, the 6th one is SO TRUE. I'll be like, "Ooh, these photos are pretty good!" Then I realize all 50 of them were taken with the doll in the exact same pose. -_- XD
    Awesome post!

    -Clara <3

  5. My dolls fall over so much, I've stopped worrying about it. 😂
    Most crazily, ~Olive

    1. LOL! Good for you! It all depends for me, if they fall backwards I'm fine but if they fall face first onto cement, that's a whole other story....XD

  6. This was a great post, Emma! I can totally relate to all of them, especially #6 . And yes, I do cringe when I look at my old doll photos. But we had to start somewhere!
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    1. Thanks, Christian Homeschooler! I agree! I wish we could have all started with awesome photos though....;D

  7. So true! :) Especially the falling-and-scratching-the-face thing. So SCARY! :)
    <3 , IrishAG

  8. Yes! I can relate to all of these. Another annoying thing for me is the wind. I go crazy when it's windy and I'm taking pictures!

    1. Oh yeah! Your pictures always turn out so great though! ;) Wind stinks...XD

  9. This is way late, but can I just say AMEN? This is seriously all my struggles with doll photography wrapped into one post. Especially dolls falling and old photos...*shudders*
