Tuesday, August 15, 2017

A Question...

Hi everyone!
I've been thinking, and I believe if I can manage it, it's time to prioritize a photostory series...which means I have a question...In my years of doll blogging I've made lots of series....
What would you like to see? :)
 Remember Sadie's Hope? ;) Do you want me to continue that series and finish it so you all know what happens? 

 Or there's TAUT...Would you rather me continue this series and start the next series installment "A Traitor Among Us"?

ORRR...Do you want me to start a brand new series...A lot more work, but something I might be able to do with enough time and inspiration? :)

Tell me in the comments what you guys want! I don't want to bring back something that no one cares about, so I need your input! :D
Sadie's Hope, TAUT, or something brand new? :)

Monday, August 14, 2017

Faye Takes a Personality Quiz!

 And we just happen to be in the greatest city in the world! IN THE GREATEST CITY---!!! EMMAAAA, WHY DID YOU STOP THE TUNES??
(Because...you have a post to make?)
FIIIIIINE. I guess you DID set up my whole set... Ooh, with Keeper art and stuff. Nice touch.
ANYWAY! Welcome to the latest installment (unless you're from the future, you time traveler, you) of my series! Today I'm going to be taking the Myers-Briggs personality test! If you haven't ever heard of it...there's a list of 16 personalities you can be categorized as all with different letters...er...it's hard to explain....
 Look, Emma has it niftily cued up on the iPad...
 You often get so lost in thoughts that you ignore or forget your surroundings...
HAAAA. Hailey could definitely assure I do this all the time...I mean...Faye. Fangirl. Obvious. OuO
 *A few moments later*
 *A few MORE minutes later*
OKAY OKAY! I finally finished it...and my personality type is.......
*drum roll*
*drummmm ROLLL*
 I'm an ENTP!!! Huh, Emma is an ENFP, which makes us only a letter apart...let's read more about this type--- MY type. :)
 I don't see anything saying MAJOR FAN GIRL. Maybe it's inaccurate...
But other than the lack of FANGIRLNESS, it seems mostly accurate... It says I like to debate a lot, maybe that's why I'm always arguing with Hailey... 
 The next page is strengths and weaknesses....I think I'm gonna keep that secret... I can't have you knowing my weaknesses when---
 I take over the world. OuO
Have you ever taken this test? If you have, what type are you? 
I'll be waiting here. O_O

Faye wants to know if "her" audience has any requests for posts. She had a list of post ideas on my phone, but a few months ago, my phone crashed and I lost my notes...So she's trying to compile a list again... ;)

I'm trying to get back in the posting mindset, and I have some ideas for more posts to come soon! :D

Saturday, August 12, 2017

That Summer Feeling - A Photoshoot

Hi everyone!
(No I did not look up "summer quotes" just so I could find a decent title for this photoshoot. PSSSH. YOU BE CRAZY.)
(No, but seriously. Why are photoshoots always so hard to name? O.O)

A few days ago I took these pictures of Jess, and I don't usually edit photos, but this time around I decided to put the time into messing around with them a bit! I hope you like them! :D

Man, I love my reflector...although I definitely need a smaller one. Mine is bigger than me!! XD

I know I've been posting more photoshoots lately, but the next post will either be the next What is She Doing? (Yes, I totally forgot to post my favorites. WHOOPS.) Or a Faye post-- She has two ideas for a post that she really wants to do. ;) SO STAY TUNED!!!