
Friday, October 21, 2016

Hit or Miss Results + Some Important News

Hi everyone!
I've got an announcement, but first- the hit or miss results, coming to you a week late!!XD

And now...This outfit is....
A HIT!!!
It was a landslide! Thank you everyone who voted, it was really fun!:)
And now onto the important news! I will be taking a break from blogging on Wacka during the whole month of November.
If you follow or read my other blog, then you likely know that I am doing this thing called NaNoWriMo, where you write a full 50k word novel in that month. It's crazy, and I need to dedicate all of my time to reach my word count goal, so unfortunately that means I won't be posting on here. I may come by and make a post once in a while, but I don't want to have any added pressure to make posts.;) I will be making a legit post next week though, so be looking out for that!:D If you want to still stay in contact with me in November, check out my other blog Drawn To Writing where I will still be posting (hopefully! ;D) during November.
To make this post just a bit more fun, here's a photo of Saige!;)


  1. Have fun writing for NaNoWriMo! Will be looking forward to your return :-)

  2. Sad you won't be here for November, but I totally get it! I'm thinking of doing NaNoWriMo, but I'm not sure. Should I?

    1. Oh, you should totally try it out! But you better hurry, it's coming soon!:D

  3. EEK! NaNo is sooo close! I'm gonna miss you but I definitely understand. :)

  4. I totally understand about having to take a break! Wishing you good luck with NaNo! :D
    (Saige is so cute!)

    1. Thanks, Madison! I appreciate that!:)

  5. Aw, I'll miss your posts next month! Good luck on writing the novel, though! :)
