
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Dancer - A Photoshoot

Hi everyone!
Yesterday, I realized that it has been, again, a month or more since I have posted TAUT and before you all freak out- I want to say that I am really, really sorry! I just have not had the time to go to the park and take pictures! I want to get the next part up as soon as possible and I have not forgotten about it. So please just bear with me! LOL!
I took these pictures of Isabelle yesterday and thought she just looked so cute. She is in the same outfit as she was from my most recent photostory, but I thought it looked very "Isabelle" and dancer-y.;)

I love this picture!:)
I hope you liked the photos!
My shoot was turning out pretty boring, but when I tried some different angles, it got better! If your pictures are bland, I would recommend trying some new angles or locations.:D That's just a random tip for today.;P


  1. Isabelle is so pretty-definitely one of my favorite GOTYs because of her story. :)
    Great pictures! And you're right about those different angles.

  2. Beautiful photos! I love the first four. :D

  3. I love the pictures, Emma! Izzy is so pretty!. :)

    <3 Miri <3

  4. When are you and Jaclynn going to make another part of Sadies Hope? Thanks!

    1. We're sorry for the wait. We hope to have the next part up on her blog this month.:)

    2. It's okay! :) I L.O.V.E Sadie's Hope.
      Isabelle is so pretty! I've been thinking of buying her on Ebay. Are you able to do her hair in lots of styles? Or does it only work in a bun? :)
