
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Hit or Miss Results!

Hi everyone! :)
Look who has the Hit or Miss results not on Tuesday or a Friday? Hehe...
But better late than never!
Last week, I asked you if you thought this outfit was a "hit" or a "miss"!

And the votes are in...XD

I thought it was going to be a miss with all of the misses that were being commented, but once again, the outfit has been labeled a hit by the majority. ;)
Come back on Friday and *fingers crossed* I'll have a new post up! Life is just so busy right now. :P

Friday, February 17, 2017

Hit or Miss!

Hi everyone!
Happy Friday!!
Good morning!!
I didn't really plan all that well for this post, but I do have a Hit or Miss, which you guys all like it seems! :D
So, here it is!
It looks kinda like Parisian school girl to me, but I still don't know if it's a hit or a miss!
Comment down below your thoughts! Hit or Miss? Simple as that. ;)
The results will be posted on Tuesday!
*promptly sets an alarm so I don't forget to post the results XD*

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Worst Things to Happen to Doll Photographers

Hi everyone! :)
Welcome back to normal posts!
Now, if you have a blog or if you just like to take pictures of your dolls to post on Instagram or something, then you know that it can be really difficult to get the right photo, background, and so many other things. This is a list of a ton of the worst things to happen to us. ;) And if you're not a doll photographer, I've included pictures for each of the points. ;D
1. When your doll falls.
There are few less terrifying things to happen to a doll blogger than to pose your doll, take a few steps back, squat down, aim their camera, then see their doll lose her balance and topple face down into the dirt. 
Or fall backwards off a ledge and end up in the bushes like Diane did in this photo.
Although you would think it doesn't happen that often, it does! I would say almost every photoshoot your doll will topple and you're left worrying they're gonna have a horrible scar on their face.
2. Bugs. Just bugs.
When I got this picture, I thought it was cool then I noticed THE BUG RIGHT NEXT TO DUCHESS'S HAIR! Bugs get in the way too often, especially in the summer.
It's so annoying when you realize they're in a nice photo and there is nothing you can do. :/ 
3. Unexpected weather.
What could be worse than to have planned to take photos the next day and wake up to a rain or snow forecast?! Talk about a let down.
Oh. And it's gonna be raining all week. Perfect.  
4. Looking back on old photos.
Seriously guys, this is so cringey. It's this way for every hobby, but it's awful to look back on your first few months of your blog and see something like this-
The horroorrrrrr....

5. When hair, accessories, and clothing won't cooperate.
Man, when you take a photo that you really like, then notice that the clasp of the necklace is showing, or there is a lump of dirt on Molly's shoe, or when the wind blows your doll's hair in a not so glamorous way, it's so frustrating!
6. Realizing you never changed your doll's pose once in the whole photoshoot.
This happens to me so many times. I just have this mental block to changing my doll's pose. If I can get a plethora of angles, I forget that it's more interesting if my doll isn't just STANDING there the whole time.
7. Noon.
I don't know exactly the time of day, but I know when I look out a window and see the lighting outside that it would be the worst time ever to take pictures. And it's annoying cuz sometimes that was the time you were planning to go out and take pictures, but you just know that you can't or else you'll have awful shadows and lighting.
8. When your doll won't look into the camera.
Sometimes, your doll just wants to look dramatically off in the distance. That's fine, but seriously, look at the camera every now and then! ;D
I hope you liked the post everyone! I've been lacking ideas in the category of posts like these, and since these are my favorite posts to create, I've been sort of in a slump. I plan to brainstorm soon though, so I can create a list of fun posts to do! :D
Thanks for reading!
What is the most annoying thing to you as a doll photographer/blogger? :)

Monday, February 6, 2017

*flush* That's the Sound of AG's Quality Going Down the Drain

Hi everyone! :)
Long time no see, right? Before I go onto this post, I wanna just apologize for not posting weekly and not finishing Faye's Takeover Week because I was busy and uninspired. I plan to get back into the swing of things starting THIS Friday, and that means new posts every week at the regular day- Friday! :)

Now that that has been said, let's talk.
American Girl has slowly been, well, let's say decreasing in quality. Everything seems like it's getting cheaper and cheaper ever since they got rid of the Bitty babies and brought in the Wellie Wishers, but even before that more things were plastic and not worth the $35+ that they were charging.
And now things seem to be spiraling! It's said that sewn-on underwear are going to be on the dolls, not removable undies! The new boxes are a huge problem as well! They look SO awful, I can't even express how much I dislike them. They're so cheap and look like they're selling you a doll that you can just buy at Toys R Us.

Oh wait.

You CAN.

There are also just a ton more problems that are evident in the quality, so Jaclynn and American Girl Doll Artist are asking us to email or send letters to American Girl expressing our concerns and unhappiness with the new changes. Because now it's not that they're just changing things up, they're making things super cheap, while still raising the price.
You can read Jaclynn's post on this here- LINKEDY LINK LINK

So, please help in this movement (I guess ;D) and let's try to spur on AG to better quality like how they did it in the olden days! ;) And if you don't want to email AG or anything, then you can still make a post about it or add this button that AGDA and Jaclynn made onto your sidebar!

Thank you for spreading the word! :D